We have a cement patio! How exciting! It looks really good although it is getting horribly rained on as I type. Last night we had the craziest wind storm--couldn't sleep most of the night. But it is leveling our dirt quite nicely, so we will be ready for grass this week! We are hosting a big party for a family in our ward that is sadly moving. We love the Randall's and decided to help host a farewell party for them--hence the quick moving on the backyard. Our patio goes up this week, grass will go in and people will be able to be inside and outside. I cannot believe I have space enough to invited the ward over to my house--so awesome! So if you are in the Monica Ward, please feel free to stop by from 2-4 on Saturday, March 26th to say farewell to the wonderful Randall family.
Here is the cement process:

I already posted that our friend Natalie from Arizona surprised Abby on Tuesday night. We had some fun adventures for the next 3 days! We couldn't do anything too expensive since our funds are dedicated to finishing the backyard so we just had fun together, ran errands, worked in the yard, etc. But we always have fun together.
Funny faces, funny poses.

Flying high.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Our fortunes from Panda Express lunch at the mall.
"What's that?"

Taco Bell lunch.
Our trip to Lowe's--check out the sweet ride!
Be warned: we put our guests to work! (putting out mulch)
Farewell to Natalie.

Saturday after Natalie left Abby and I went to a bridal shower for Reagan Rasmussen. We made wedding dresses out of toilet paper (bride is on the right). The cake was beautiful.

Later Saturday we made a quick Costco run to see if they had something for the backyard. Abby wanted to wear things from her Grandma's. Grandma Karen gave her the jacket and Grandma Barbara gave her the boots. Thanks Grandma's! We love you.
My Ward Choir sang today and they are quite amazing. We sang "The King of Love My Shepherd Is" with 2 flutes. I am always impressed by the spirit they bring and they way they sound with such limited rehearsal!
Abby after Church.
Matt and Abby taking a quick Sunday nap before the missionaries come for dinner---so sweet.

Funny faces, funny poses.

Abby after Church.

what does abby like to eat at taco bell? :)
Abby orders the cheese roll. She wont touch much of anything else at Taco Bell.
Jen I just found your blog from Michelle's. You wouldn't believe how much I have thought about you and wished you were close. You guys are amazing and Abby is adorable, she and my Kate would get along great!
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