Matt and I decided that our life is extremely blessed by nice people. We've lived quite a few places during our lives and we always seem to be fortunate when it comes to friends. Tonight, for example, we were eating dinner when the doorbell rang. When we went to the door, two women from our ward, Ann Pitts and Amanda Pitts, stood there holding scrumptious looking brownies. Good friends of ours are are moving away, sadly. At church they sang "Abide With Me" and I played piano for the musical number. Ann and Amanda wanted to tell me they really enjoyed it. How nice is that?!

One other thought. . . .was anyone else clueless about daylight savings last night? I woke up this morning after our late night last night to my cell phone alarm at 6. But the alarm clock by my bed said 5:00 and it was completely dark outside. I was so tired and confused. I went downstairs and the clocks all said 5:00, but the DVR said 6:00. I thought checked the computer and it read 6:00. I googled daylight savings and found out that the event had indeed occurred! How did I miss that? I felt a little better when people at church looked a little frantic as they sat down late because they too did not know it was daylight savings. I also saw people in the foyer that did not know too! Now I know, second Sunday in March!
1 comment:
we had the same daylight savings fiasco here yesterday morning. :) some of our clocks changed themselves and others didn't... luckily paul knew what was going on. we hadn't lived in a place (arizona and dominica) that does daylight savings for the past almost 5 years... so i was WAY out of the loop.
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