He is a self aggrandizing promoter who personifies much that is wrong with America. I’m not sure if he is really even serious about running for president or just using it as yet another way to draw attention to himself to increase his reality show ratings.
As a presidential candidate he has built his reputation on the Obama birther argument, that is, the ridiculous idea that Obama is an illegitimate president because he really was not born in the United States. Besides the fact that Obama’s mother is a citizen (which automatically makes her son a citizen regardless of where he is born), researchers have presented decades-old newspaper articles announcing Obama’s birth in Hawaii, and Obama himself has released both his short and long form birth certificates. Still, iron-clad evidence is no obstacle for irrational political extremists. The sad part is that he is actually influencing the political discourse with this garbage, and as people pay attention to it they are distracted from genuinely significant issues. I’m not sure if Trump is that stupid himself, or just courting this idiotic segment of the population for his own benefit, but in either case I don’t want somebody like that running our country.
The other way Trump has built support for his candidacy is through his supposed prowess as a businessman. Who better to save the American economy? Did nobody notice that Trump (or companies bearing his name) declared bankruptcy four times in the past two decades (1991, 1992, 2004, 2009)? If he was your personal investor he would probably put all your money in speculative companies, make lots of quick cash, take his cut, and then jump ship when your portfolio crashed. He is a user, and the economic roller coaster that he and corporate slime-balls like him create is the last thing our nation needs.