So I began this post on Matt's birthday and did not get it posted right away because things got a little busy! But I decided not to change what I had written. I just did not want anyone to get confused because Matt's birthday was the 10th!
Happy Birthday to the love of my life! Matt is not big on birthdays but I still want everyone to celebrate him. He is my best friend, my love, my strength, my laughter, my everything. I am constantly reminded in the big and little things of life that he is one of my very greatest blessings. I love you Mattie!

Anyways, it is time to catch up with some pictures since our party.
Pictures from gymnastics and swimming on March 28th.

Tuesday evening I teach piano to the Petersen boys--Aaron and Dallin. Abby loves to play with them. Abby and Aaron got out the BYU football helmets and went out and threw the football around.

Now that the backyard is partly finished Abby does not want to be inside anymore. As soon as she gets up in the morning she says, "Mommy, go outside?" She doesn't give up either! We eat lunch outside, play outside, do school time outside, etc. Here is Abby outside on the 29th. She insisted on wearing her train hat outside that day.

Saturday evening of Conference weekend Abby and I went over to the Pitts' home while the men were at the Priesthood session. There were lots of women and kids and Abby dressed up in one of their costumes as a pony and had so much fun with the kids.

Grandma and Grandpa Garrett came up during Conference weekend and we enjoyed having them. They came up specifically to watch Abby do her gymnastics and swimming classes on Tuesday morning. Abby loves to spend time with them.
Grandma and Grandpa checking out the new backyard!

Grandma and Grandpa brought Abby a fun skirt that she wore to gymnastics. Here she is trying it on.

Watching conference Sunday morning.

Grandma and Grandpa took Abby out for some adventures on Monday and Grandma called me after a few hours. Abby loves to be out and does not normally ask to come home. On Monday, after a while she said, as they got in the car, "Go home and see Mommy now?" I guess she asked a couple times and so Grandma called to tell me. It made my whole day! The two of us are basically inseparable now, so I guess it's pretty normal. It made me feel so loved! I was home madly grading the first wave of papers for the on-line class I am teaching for CSUB.
They took Abby to Tehachapi and found some kind of train museum.

Abby finally got a little sleepy.

Outside riding the 4-wheeler.

Tuesday morning: gymnastics and swimming.

After both classes we took a picnic lunch to a park.

Abby pretending to make and serve food. She even pretended to put in the order and brought the food out to people. She made me a yummy milkshake!

Where would we be without Grandma's and Grandpa's?
Matt mowing our backyard lawn for the first time!

Matt is now in charge of the Native American Cultural Awareness Club at Bakersfield College. He actually resurrected the club and is getting a good response from students. On Saturday, the 9th there was a Garden Fest at Bakersfield College and Matt's club had a booth. So he spent the day there and Abby and I spent a few hours in the morning. We actually watched a local pond shop build a pond from scratch. We are trying to finish our pond, so this was very educational. We can pretty much do it ourselves, but might have the professionals come out to hook up the pump and filter. There were just so many places to make a mistake. The Garden Fest was a pretty cool event.

Abby ready for Church on Sunday, the 10th of April.

Isn't she the cutest girl ever?!
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