Yesterday Jen invited in a door-to-door salesman who promised a free carpet cleaning, apparently as part of an effort to sell his cleaning service. How could Jen say no to a free vacuuming and shampoo? As it turned out, he was not selling a service, but rather a vacuum. I pulled into the driveway just as two Kirby vacuum salesmen stepped into the house.

The two salesmen did a silly two man routine where one worked on us and the carpet while the other went to check on other agents and came back to schmooze us over every fifteen minutes. As the one vacuumed I searched the web for dirt on the Kirby company. Here is what I found:
- Everyone loves the vacuums--they are legitimate. I don't believe that the vacuum was just on 1/3 power, as the salesman claimed, but it still did pull out a heck of a lot of dirt (maybe 5 cups or so from a 10ft. x 10 ft. patch of carpet that was just vacuumed by a newly purchased and Consumer Report celebrated vacuum). After he disassembled it it was obvious that he was not secretly importing dirt--it really came from my seemingly clean carpet.
- The company is frequently criticized for two "scams":
- "Scam" #1: They make empty promises to potential employees and ultimately don't pay them squat for their work. Our guy confirmed internet rumors that he was expected to do 60 demonstrations a month and that they have a high turnover rate.
- "Scam" #2: They use high sales pitches to pressure buyers and charge highly fluctuating prices that leave some feeling burned. Our guys told us the vacuum cost $2,700! He then discounted us $200 for our vacuum in a trade-in, then knocked off $100 because he liked me so much (right). When I laughed at the $2,400 price it magically dropped to $1,830 or so. Too bad for the salesman I also checked ebay and found that online they sold for $300 and up. I refuse to pay more than $300 for a vacuum, even if it comes with a paint sprayer attachment (somehow I doubt that does a quality job spraying paint).
I'm not sure any of this qualifies as a scam, but they certainly misrepresented themselves and do charge exorbant prices; still, the product is pretty amazing.
Has anybody else had any Kirby experiences?
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