We had a great week and this weekend was even better! Our friends Carric and Jenny came for a quick visit from Arizona and we had so much fun with them. Abby did not want them to leave. They arrived Friday night and unfortunately could only stay until Sunday evening because Jenny has to take a class in L.A. this week. Nevertheless, we were so happy to see them--even if we wanted it to be longer. We attended Matt's department chair's retirement party, had a picnic at Hart Park, went to a very interesting Ward party, ate at a local Bakersfield ice cream favorite--DeWar's, they sang in our Ward and I was honored to play for them, and we talked and played. They are so good with Abby and she loved playing with them. Here are some picture highlights.
Fighting with swords on Saturday morning
Abby showing off her abilities on the bar.
Matt, Abby and Steve Smith, Matt's Department Chair at Bakersfield College. We also had Steve and his wife Diane over for dinner Thursday evening. They are so nice and we are sad that he is retiring and they are moving. But we wish them the best.
Carric and Jenny swinging Abby on the way into the retirement party.
Trying to feed some not-so-hungry ducks at Hart Park!
Picnic time
Peacock at Hart Park
Jenny is quite the artist and she can do unbelievable things on an etch-a-sketch. Here is a picture she drew of Abby.
Ice cream at DeWar's

Carric braiding Abby's hair after her bath on Saturday night.
After Church

Quick nap before dinner after Church
Tuesday when we went to gymnastics Abby said, "We need to take a picture for Grandma." So we took a picture before gymnastics and swimming! Grandma's these are for you.

Wednesday Abby had her first piano lesson. Now I realize she is only 3 years old and I do not normally recommend teaching kids that young. She is so excited about piano I thought--why not? So I found a "pre-reading" set of books and we learned about soft and loud sounds, short and long, black and white keys, etc. It was really fun and we sit down and practice for a few minutes each day. Here is a picture during her first lesson.
Thursday I teach four piano students and so Abby gets to play with her friend Levi. I found them sitting in a chair starring out at the pond with swords in their hands. They are adorable.
Finally, more pond evolution. . . .this week we bought some plants for the outside and Matt planted half of them. He also laid out some mulch and it looks pretty amazing. We are supposed to get some fish this Wednesday! I think we will wait to get a turtle until after we visit Grandma and Grandpa in L.A. in a week or two.

such great pictures!!! I miss you Jen! I hope you are doing well. Abby is absolutely adorable.
What book are you using to teach Abby? One of my students is about the same age and his parents really want him to start young. I've just been going over the basics like you have, but it would be nice to have a book for a guideline
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