I can't believe it's been a month since I posted. Can you tell I've had some other things going on?! Two kids definitely keeps me busier--especially since we did not have any preparation time for the second! Lily is absolutely wonderful and Abby is such a great big sister.
I thought I'd catch up on some pictures so enjoy!
Sunday, August 7th after Church:

Monday, August 8th Lily experienced her first Family Home Evening. We made it a special one and invited over our friends the Whitfield's and Aleman's. We had a good barbecue and a great lesson. All of the kids had a great time and everyone took turns holding and loving Lily.

Tuesday, August 9th we went to Abby's dance and gymnastics and everyone was very excited about Lily. Abby was proud to tell her teachers she is a big sister.
After dance we went over to our friend's house where we met up with other kids and had lunch. Then I ran Lily to her visit with her birth parents while Abby stayed and played. Thanks Marisa!
Since the day wasn't fun enough, we also got to see my cousin Mandy and her husband Russell. He is going to dental school at UCLA and they drove up to eat hang out, play with Abby and meet Lily! We were so excited they could come up and only wish they could have stayed longer. They are going to have a little girl after Christmas and we are so excited for them.

We've really enjoyed being outside in the backyard this summer and Abby loves her lion pool we found at Target. Best $15 I've spent in a long time!

On August 10th we had combined pool party for the young men and young women's activity. I worked with them on two songs they will sing for their upcoming Standards Night and then they enjoyed the pool. My friend Stephanie Holladay loved holding Lily and Abby found the cutest dog to hold. She would not put it down and we had to make her leave when it was time. Abby loves animals.

On the 14th Lily looked so cute that I had to take a picture!

This is one of Abby's favorite shirts. She calls it her Sparky shirt because it has Sparky the ASU mascot on it. I have to hide it when it is dirty or she will wear it again and again.
The morning of the 15th found us at dance and gymnastics once again. Everyone loved Abby's skirt which was given to her by Grandma Barbara. Abby is getting more comfortable with dance now and still loves gymnastics. We are always working on waiting our turn and listening!

A dancer in the making. . . .
Sunday, August 7th after Church:

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