Recently someone made a comment on our blog asking where the family pictures went! Sorry! Time has been flying by and I am just behind. I will try to remedy that these next few days and get caught up. I have so many great pictures, so I better get them posted!
Let's begin with a visit from our friends Carly, Paul and Adelaide! They came to visit on September 16-17. We met them in Tempe and they moved away before we did. We love them so much and were so happy to have them visit. Come back soon!

I couldn't resist taking a picture of my girls in the car on the way to Stake Conference. Lily smiles all of the time, but usually right after I take the picture! Aren't they adorable?!

I had the pleasure of directing a Stake Choir on October 18th. About 60 people came and sang and it was such a wonderful experience. I wish I could show you pictures, but I always feel strange taking pictures in the chapel. So you will just have to take my word for it that the choir sounded amazing, the Spirit was really strong, and I can't wait to do it again! When I sat down after a beautiful rendition of "My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" I looked over at Matt and he was a little teary-eyed. Trust me, that does not happen often--maybe ever. And he said, "That was amazing." No compliment could be better than coming from him because he is my most honest critic. Love you Mattie!
September 20th dance day pics--some of Abby's funny faces:

September 22:

I've been looking for ways to reinforce the positive things that Abby does and so we've been doing sticker charts. With her first sticker chart she earned a Toy Story tent and she was so excited.
I was really proud of her.
Saturday September 24th our friend Michelle came to visit us. We went to a Children's Museum and we all had a great time. Abby tried everything and constantly called each of us over to try whatever she wanted to do. She has the best imagination.

Abby's preschool had their first field trip and it was to the Kern County Fair. Parents were supposed to go, so I went and took lots of pictures. It was a pretty good fair and the kids were so cute. My favorite part was watching them get pulled in the little train. As they saw various animals they put a sticker on a chart their teacher made. Abby still has her chart.

What a fun day!
Matt and I both work with the youth at Church and I had the opportunity to work with the kids for this year's Standards Night. We did a program called, "We Believe" and the youth did the whole program--narration and songs. I love working with the youth and the program turned out really well. We not only did the program for a Sunday evening, they also did it for the entire ward for a Sacrament meeting. One of the young men came up after we did Standards Night and said, "Sister Garrett, I felt the Spirit." That alone made it all worth the time and energy it took to put it together. I hope I have other opportunities to work with the youth in regards to music. What better way to help them feel the Spirit and encourage them to develop testimonies of their own. Here are some of the youth one night as we practiced some of the music.

We have such fun and creative youth.

September 20th dance day pics--some of Abby's funny faces:

I was really proud of her.

Matt and I both work with the youth at Church and I had the opportunity to work with the kids for this year's Standards Night. We did a program called, "We Believe" and the youth did the whole program--narration and songs. I love working with the youth and the program turned out really well. We not only did the program for a Sunday evening, they also did it for the entire ward for a Sacrament meeting. One of the young men came up after we did Standards Night and said, "Sister Garrett, I felt the Spirit." That alone made it all worth the time and energy it took to put it together. I hope I have other opportunities to work with the youth in regards to music. What better way to help them feel the Spirit and encourage them to develop testimonies of their own. Here are some of the youth one night as we practiced some of the music.

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