The adventures did not stop after Christmas--not in my family! The entire family drove to Ocean Shores, WA where we stayed at a place called the Beachcomber. Each family had their own kind of "suite" complete with kitchen, living room, bedrooms and bathroom. It was a nice place and we loved being together and being able to relax and spread out a little.
The Beachcomber

We ate meals together except breakfast and so that made for fun times for sure!

Cousins wrestling right after dinner one night.
Even though the weather was less than desirable, we still managed to go out to the beach one day. I kept Lily and baby Jack at the hotel because it was pretty cold. The rest bundled up and went outside. They found a big stick and the kids were throwing it as far as they could until Kylee tried to throw it and let go too late. It hit her in the face and she had quite the sore on her lip--poor girl.

Hot chocolate bar....yum.
Caleb and Abby
One day we went to an indoor pool and everyone had fun splashing, swimming and wrestling.

Grandma and Grandpa had a special breakfast with just the grandkids.

We did eat at one little cafe together in Seabrook where my brother-in-law Jeremiah use to work. They seemed a little overwhelmed by our big group and so we had to split up.

The boys always play a ritual game or two of spades and Settlers late at night after everyone else goes to bed.
Friday morning the kids made pretzels while the rest watched the BYU football game on TV.

It finally started to clear up the day we left!
Even though we had a few days to be together, the time went too quickly. Before we knew it we were packing up and saying farewell. I'm not fond of good-byes. I prefer "see you soon." Unfortunately, we are not sure when the next time we are ALL together will be. At least we have Brent's baby blessing in March and many of us will go to that. I hope my family knows how much I love them and how much I wish we could spend even more time together. This was a wonderful Christmas holiday and I look forward to many, many more. Love you all!

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