What an exciting and unforgettable month! I'll start with a few dance pictures and cute pics of the girls and then move on to Thanksgiving!
Just a cute pic on November 1st.
On November 9th Grandma and Grandpa were up for a visit and saw Abby's dance and gymnastics classes. She loves when they come.

November 12th
November 16 dance
November 18 asleep on Daddy
My whole family came to our home for Thanksgiving and my sister and her family arrived on the Saturday night before Thanksgiving! We had so much fun. The house was a bit packed with people sleeping everywhere but we tried to make everyone as comfortable as we possibly could. There is nothing like spending the holidays with the ones you love.
Kylee playing the piano
Kennedy holding Lily
Abby and cousin Caleb on the train
Lily enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Jeremiah
Mia and Tiff before we played some games
Grandma Karen holding Lily
Eating dinner--both Abby and Caleb want Grandpa Mark
Celebrating Grandma Barbara's birthday

Both Grandpa's--lucky girl!

The kids thought Grandma Karen's wheelchair was the ultimate toy!
Uncle Brenty arrives!
Brent & Grandma Karen
Time to play at the park nearby--tennis, climbing around, digging in sand, etc.

Jen, Lily, Tiff & Nicole
Checking out the pond
Uncle Kevin is here!
Cousins playing games
Dinner time
Lily loves Auntie Heather
Celebrating Grandma Karen's birthday with a fire and smores!

Cousins in the loft watching a movie
Thanksgiving Day! Of course it began with what Matt has looked forward to forever--football!

Grandma Karen feeding Lily
Eating food after the game
Relaxing after food!
A little ping-pong in the garage
Baby Jack
Jack & Lily in their swings
Preparing the turkey....just Tiff and I....it was pretty darn good!
Mandy, Jen, Nicole, Tiff & Alix before dinner
Thanksgiving dinner!

Brent, Nicole and Lincoln
Grandma and Grandpa
Kevin & Alix

Big kids table
Little kids table
A cute picture of Lily on Friday, the 25th
Friday night a few of the wonderful young women in my Ward came over to watch the kids and the adults escaped and went to a restaurant for some dessert. Only problem was that we were all so full, we couldn't really eat anything! We mainly just got hot chocolate or a smoothie and enjoyed talking to each other without talking over the kids!
Saturday we drove to Vacaville to attend Jack's baby blessing. I was so glad that so many of us could be there for it.

Matt drove back home on Sunday the 27th. Abby went with the Shakespeare's and Lily and I drove with my parents back to Washington for a quick visit. I organized the rest of the scrapbook stuff for my Mom so that my amazing cousin Cindy can finish my brother Brent's high school years and got to see everyone for a little longer. The flight home with the two girls was interesting, but they are such good travelers. I love my girls. Here is a picture of Lily seeing Uncle Jerry for the first time while we were in Washington!
What an absolutely amazing month. I still can't believe that my whole family, plus my cousin Mandy & her husband Russell, and Matt's sister and her family all came to our home for Thanksgiving. I love having everyone in my home--although it probably will not look the same again! But that's okay. Dirt can be scrubbed off walls, but I will never forget the memories.

Kylee playing the piano

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