My parents were able to take a trip and see a lot of family and friends. They came and stayed with us from September 8 through the 13th. We really enjoyed having them with us and they loved seeing the girls!

Sword fighting with Grandpa

I had to make a quick trip to Arizona for my medical research appointment on Monday, the 10th. I flew in and had the appointment and then flew back that same night. Crazy! Natalie and I got to spend some time together and even had got to go to lunch. I had creamy chicken and rice soup and it was divine. I want some now!

Sword fighting with Grandpa

I had to make a quick trip to Arizona for my medical research appointment on Monday, the 10th. I flew in and had the appointment and then flew back that same night. Crazy! Natalie and I got to spend some time together and even had got to go to lunch. I had creamy chicken and rice soup and it was divine. I want some now!
We of course spent time at the park. Abby showed Grandma and Grandpa her biking skills and Grandpa showed her his plane.
Lily pointing to Grandpa's plane
Where there is a will there is a way--she wanted a drink and she was too short. So she figured out how to get a drink anyway.
Nothing like Grandpa's barbecue--yum!
Lily's favorite--mac and cheese
Checking out the pond
On the 12th we were able to go to the Kinship Center and sign final papers for Lily's adoption. It was very exciting to see her name as: Lily Elizabeth Garrett instead of Lillian Yvonne Glaim. Oh happy day!
Love my Mom...
We love you Grandma and Grandpa!
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