October 5, 2012....a date we will always treasure....the day that Lily officially became ours in the eyes of the court. Hooray! We went to the juvenile court at 1 p.m. and waited our turn for the hearing. Our friends Steve and Terry Brannon came and Terry took some nice pictures for us as we were not allowed to take pictures in the court room--we had to pay attention. Our friends Bonnie, Ethan and Katie Whitfield were also able to attend and our caseworker, Aba came just as things finished up. Others wanted to join us, but the time of day prevented many from coming. But what really mattered was that our whole family together and we were one step closer to being together forever!

Lily before the hearing--she wouldn't hold still so we were lucky to get one shot of her

Inside the court room

Tried to put in a good word for Lexy's upcoming court hearing!

The whole family after the hearing

Ice cream party time!

Abby's dance friend Emma brought Lily beautiful flowers

Amanda Pitts and Nate
Jim Gordon and Lily
Delgado boys dishing up ice cream sundaes
Jasmine Holsonbake and Lily
Kids enjoying the backyard
Matt's office mate, Paul and his wife Sandra
Tricia Burt and Stephanie Holladay
Look, we finally got the pictures up by the banister. It took until 11 p.m. the night before the part but everyone thought it looked great. Now to add more!
Lily Elizabeth Garrett (Lily bug!)--you are so special and we cannot imagine our family without your beautiful smiling face and many wonderful cuddles. Thank you for coming into our lives and filling them with so much cheer. Now to make this forever!
Congrats! So exciting!
Congratulations! so happy for you!
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