At just over 9 months old, Abby is growing bigger and stronger (she now weighs 14 lbs.). She drinks her milk (almost exclusively--a frustrating story of its own) to build strong bones and muscles, and to get a little extra bulk she knocks out two dozen pull ups each morning.
With her now found strength she terrorizes the house. She is particularly fond of the closet, and does her best to unfold all the sweaters, disorganize the shoes, and pull down any hanging items that she can reach.
Fortunately, she is so cute that we dont mind. Her brown hair with a touch of copper is beautiful, and all the grown men in the ward fawn all over her. My biggest concern is the older toddler boy I've seen her flirting with at church--Tommy (See "Dave & Tiffany" on our blogging buddies). Dave, I've got my eye on him!
So, on to other things (for the one or two people who care)... Life is going well. Its very busy. Jen is wrapping up the semester with both schoolwork and her choirs. She's been a little ill lately but is starting to recover and in just a couple weeks she can rejoice in knowing there is very little schoolwork remaining (I think she needs one more class next semester). I just finished the defense of my prospectus, which means I advanced to candidacy and now have nothing more to do in school except write my dissertation (and teach classes). I've been doing interviews with folks and will continue to do that for the next few weeks, and then I've got to start producing. I am presenting at a prestigious conference in March and am a bit nervous that I've not yet finished the research. I am enjoying the work. In church things are going about as usual. Jen just finished up a large stake youth choir and incorporated all our musical friends into the production. We are excited for next month when we spend Christmas in Washington with all of Abby's cousins. We can't wait for her first Christmas. As usual, we'll do Thanksgiving with my family in Los Angeles, and my mom will love to show off Abby. I feel like the too many balls I've been juggling are slowly reducing in number--and that is a relief. For Jen, it appears, she's got to wait a few more weeks for that respite.

She's beautiful!
I don't know if Jen reads these comments, but I just found your blog address in my choir folder (ADC), so I checked it out. Oh my gosh, Abby is such a cutie!! It looks like she keeps you busy!
I hope you get feeling better soon, Jen, and enjoy the much needed vacation that's coming up!
I want you to know that I LOVE singing in your choir!! Seriously, you are amazing! I've had so much fun making music with you!!
I wish I could be there to re-fold your laundry. Some how other people's house work seems more exciting than my own... of which I have PLENTY! Not enough hours in the day... as you two know! I'm drooling at the thought of Jen conducting choirs. I probably worship her a little too much, but what can I do? She's my american idol! And Matt, you get two thumbs up for keeping the blog going. How else would I know what's up?!
Abby is gorgeous and you are definitely right about that touch of copper! Gorgeous!! I love you guys and have the BYU football pose printed out... ENLARGED... and it makes me happy each time I look at it.
p.s. I'm taking classes at the local community college to get into music, even if it's the only way I can. Did I mention I LOVE YOU!?!
Mwa! (that's a smooch!)
Hello Garretts!! How are things going in Arizona? I finally found your blog page. Abby is getting so big, and it looks like you guys are really enjoying living in Arizona. So, I thought I would let you guys know that we Barrera's are moving to the Phoenix area in January. I graduate this December, then we will be heading down there around the first week in January. Do you know of any good areas to look for housing? I want to look in the east valley area, and kinda be centrally located since I will be traveling to different jobsites throughout the Phoenix area. Hope all is going well, and hopefully we can see you guys again when we move down there. Take care.
Mike Barrera
I can't believe how big Abby is getting and the pull-up picture is a hoot! I love to read your updates. Tell Jen hi for me and David, we sure miss the Tempe ward. Amy
haha, it's so true...Tommy is a big fat flirt
Abby sure is a little doll. How would it be to have a little baby?? I can only wonder. At four months, Rachel was almost 17 lbs!!!! Hope you guys are enjoying the holidays.
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